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About Alien Rabbit

Alien Rabbit is an independent publisher of art, fiction, non-fiction, poetry and comics by emerging artists and writers based in the UK.

We Incorporated as a company in July 2022 after Chris Godber and Naima Valli had the brainchild of setting up an indie publisher to publish innovative, experimental and groundbreaking fiction and art.

We both have a background as visual artists and writers with established practices. Chris is a co-founder of the Tunnel Art collective as well as a painter, author and essayist. He worked for two years as an English teacher in Moscow where he taught English to children aged 10 – 18 and delivered workshops on interactive fiction design. He has written 5 books (3 poetry collections, 1 essay collection and 2 short story collections)

Naima has been working on a hand drawn comic book as well as holding a degree in English and has a particular interest in Guido Crepax and Alan Moore.

Currently we are building up our library of original art products, books, comics and merchandise which you can order either from here or from online distributors such as Amazon. We aim where possible to offer both digital and physical versions of our books and art prints.

We also plan on releasing web apps and independent video games In the Future and Chris can provide tech consulting services in programming with a specialization in WebXR and Indie game development / Interactive Fiction.

We are currently accepting submissions for writers, artists and creatives. We can’t always guarantee a reply all the time but we will aim to always look at anything we are sent and provide feedback when time allows or start a conversation.

Email –

Chris Godber
Chris Godber
Naima Valli